
Green Jobs For Nature

Green Jobs for Nature (GJfN) is all about making careers geared towards restoring and replenishing our natural environment more visible and achievable for all those thinking about their future work.

Whilst there are other websites promoting ‘green jobs’, the Green Jobs for Nature website is focused on the ‘nature’ side of green jobs – roles that directly contribute to managing, protecting and restoring our natural world.

“We are delighted to be supporting Green Careers Week to help raise awareness of the range of careers available in the ecological and environmental sectors and to inspire the next generation’.

The twin environmental crises we are facing of biodiversity loss and climate change mean that the work of those involved in the environmental sector is ever more important. Yet the sector is facing a skills shortage. To ensure that national laws and targets are met around reducing the impact of climate change and to reverse biodiversity loss, ecology and the environmental sector are going to need lots of new people working in professions that can make an impact. These are rewarding and varied careers where you can use a variety of skills across different roles which all have a benefit on nature.

One of the big challenges that ecology and the environmental sector faces is that green jobs for nature careers opportunities are often invisible to young people, particularly people from currently under-represented backgrounds who could bring their talents, skills and enthusiasm to these roles. The Green Jobs for Nature campaign aims to tackle these challenges and promotes awareness of opportunities for people of all backgrounds to access and understand the natural environment sector and find fulfilling work within it.

Whilst there are other websites promoting ‘green jobs’, the Green Jobs for Nature website is focused on the ‘nature’ side of green jobs – roles that directly contribute to managing, protecting and restoring our natural world.

Discover a variety of career roles that benefit nature

Green Jobs for Nature (GJfN) is all about making careers geared towards restoring and replenishing our natural environment more visible and achievable for all those thinking about their future work. In a Green Job for Nature, you could work in a variety of roles, which could include desk-based work, be primarily outdoor-based, or have a mixture of the two. You could work in a variety of employment sectors to benefit nature. Probably the most well-known is the charity (NGO) sector because many people associate nature conservation with environmental charities, but in fact, there are also plenty of jobs to be found in the public and private sectors as well as in industry and academia.

What role is right for you?

Do you enjoy tasks which involve working at a desk? Would you like to work mostly outdoors? What skills and interests do you already have that can help you in a career? What skills would you like to develop?

Keep questions like this in mind as you explore your options.

See the Green Jobs for Nature Website for information on each of the career categories listed above as well as job profiles written by people working in the sector and advice on how to get into roles like these.

Getting into the sector

Career overviews

Browse information on the different types of green jobs that benefit nature and read job profiles of people already working in the sector.

Employment Sectors

Learn more about the employers and differences between working in the private sector, public sector, academia, industry and NGOs.

How to get work experience

Browse advice and information on where to look for vacancies, training and work experience opportunities to help you get experience.

Education and Training Options

Learn about the different entry routes such as degrees, apprenticeships, traineeships, on-the-job training and more.

Reality check

Learn more about what is being done to address equality, diversity and inclusion across the environmental sector, read more about good working practices and understand some of the jargon.

Follow Green Jobs For Nature

Green Jobs for Nature was created by CIEEM, the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (the professional body for ecologists and environmental managers in the UK and Ireland) in collaboration with a number of organisations, employers and other professional bodies to raise awareness of job opportunities in the natural environment sector.

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